Note 1:

Due to the high volume of inquiries, I am not able to reply any generic email, i.e., one has no specific information and can be sent to any professor.

I am willing to reply if (1) I am very interested in your background and (2) You follow the instructions below.

Ph.D. Students

I am always looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students with strong research interests in security, machine learning, computer architecture, high-efficient computing, and Internet of Things (IoT). If you are interested in pushing forward any of these topics with me, please:

  • First, please apply for the Ph.D. program of ECE department at Northeastern.

  • Second, please mention my name as your preferred advisor in your application materials (e.g., statement of purpose), so that your profile can be easily located.

Note that you are very welcome to reach out via email, please follow the two steps below:

  • Step-1, Use Prospective PhD student of Semester/Year (e.g., Fall/24) as your email subject; otherwise, your emails might be caught in the spam filter;

  • Step-2, Share your thoughts after reading at least one of my recent papers, and let me know if any of them is of interest to you and why. Again, responses to generic application emails cannot be guaranteed.


We have postdoc openings. If you are interested in joining my research, please email your CV and 1-2 representative papers.

MS Students at NEU

If you are interested in doing research with me, there are two good ways: (1) take my class or (2) read 1-2 of my recent papers and share your thoughts.

Undergraduate at NEU

If you are interested in working with me, a good way is to take my class first or read my recent papers and discuss with me.

Note 2:

If you have read all the instructions above, please follow them and fill in this link with your application materials.