Xiaolin Xu (徐啸林)

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University

To prospective students:

Two Ph.D. positions open for the Fall 2025 semester.

I am seeking highly motivated students with strong research interests in security, privacy-preserving computing, machine learning, computer architecture, FPGA, and IoT. Full financial support will be offered.

If you are interested in applying, please review this note and email me with your CV, transcripts, and any other relevant documents.

Call for Contributions

I am chairing the New England Hardware Security (NEHWS) Day 2025, which brings together many students, researchers, practitioners, and industry partners in the field of hardware security to share their work and foster new ideas. Please consider submitting your work for presentation at NEHWS. We are looking for announcements, research talks, and posters.

Short Bio

I joined Northeastern University in Fall 2020. I earned my doctoral degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UMass Amherst and subsequently worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research. My M.S. and B.E. degrees are from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

What's New

  • 01/2025 Xiaocheng joined our group as a PhD student, welcome!

  • 10/2024 One paper accepted for publication in NDSS’25.

  • 09/2024 Two papers accepted for publication in NeurIPS’24.

  • 09/2024 Yan joined our group as a PhD student, welcome!

  • 08/2024 Yukui joined Binghamton ECE as an Assistant Professor, Congrats!

  • 07/2024 One paper accepted for publication in ICCAD’24.

  • 06/2024 Panelist of Early Career Workshop at DAC’24.

  • 06/2024 One paper accepted for publication in VL/HCC’24.

  • 02/2024 One paper accepted for publication in DAC’24.

  • 02/2024 One paper accepted for publication in tinyML’24.

  • 01/2024 One paper accepted for publication in ICLR’24.

  • 01/2024 Jiaxing joined our group as a PhD student, welcome!

  • 11/2023 One paper accepted for publication in ASPLOS’24.

  • 09/2023 One paper accepted for publication in NeurIPS’23.

  • 08/2023 Yukui officially becomes Dr. Luo, Congratulations!

  • 07/2023 New project to Secure Brain-Inspired Computing.

  • 07/2023 One paper accepted for publication in MICRO’23.

  • 07/2023 One paper accepted for publication in ICCAD’23.

  • 07/2023 Two papers accepted for publication in ICCV’23.

  • 07/2023 New project to Secure Scientific Cyberinfrastructures.

  • 07/2023 NSF CAREER Award.

  • Archive…


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  • Office: 424 Dana Research Center